Do I Need A Social Security Disability Attorney?

10 May 2017
 Categories: Law, Blog

Deciding whether or not to work with a social security disability attorney is an important decision. If you're facing this decision, it pays to understand the benefits and costs of working with an attorney. First and foremost, the charges that a disability attorney can charge are regulated by federal law. Typically, an attorney will charge 25% of your backpay (the first check you receive after being approved that goes back to the date the disability began) or $6,000, whichever is lesser. It's worth noting that the fees may increase if your case goes to appeals court.

From a financial perspective, most disability attorneys will not charge any money up front in order to begin your case. They'll only be paid if you win your case. This means that working with a disability attorney doesn't mean sacrificing your existing funds.

What will a disability attorney do for you? The answer depends on when you decide to hire them. It's advised that you hire a disability attorney from the very beginning so that they can help you fill out the application properly. In fact, this is the first benefit provided by an attorney. They'll make sure that your application shows that you are not able to perform any work.

Another benefit of hiring a personal injury attorney is that they'll help to procure all of the medical evidence required in order to prove that you have the impairment that you are claiming. Most attorneys will request help from your doctor and medical team in order to help with your case. The review board that will approve or deny your claim looks for specific medical terminology, which your doctor will be capable of providing.

The above benefits only deal with the initial application, but the attorney will help you throughout the entire process. Ideally, your case will be approved after the first application. Unfortunately, this isn't always the case. Should your application be denied, your social security disability attorney will help you go through the appeals process. The appeal process culminates in a hearing. After collecting additional evidence to prove your impairment, your attorney will represent you at the hearing. Before the hearing, they'll prepare you for the types of questions that you'll likely be asked during the hearing. This way, you'll be able to clearly and concisely discuss medical issues you're experiencing. An attorney will also help you select the right witnesses to strengthen your case.

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